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Before grilling chicken or other poultry, it is very important to make deep cuts in the meat to allow the heat to penetrate and cook the meat around the bone.


1 kg chicken drumsticks
1 tbsp Vegeta No MSG Chicken

1 red onion (large)
30 g butter
1 tbsp white flour rough
1 tbsp estragon Mustard
300 ml milk
½ tsp Vegeta

We used

Vegeta NO MSG Chicken

Vegeta NO MSG Chicken

Preparation For this recipe you only need imagination!

Medium complexity 4 Persons 50 min

  • 1 With a sharp knife, make deep cuts on the down side of each drumstick next to the bone to allow the heat of the grill to reach the centre of the meat. Add Vegeta No MSG Chicken to the drumsticks and leave them for 30 minutes to aromatize the meat.
  • 2 Place on the hot grill and cook for 10 to 12 minutes on each side, turning the drumsticks from time to time.
  • 3 To make the sauce, mince the onion and sauté with a little melted butter on low heat for about 10 minutes. Stir in the flour, mix well and carefully add milk stirring with a balloon whisk.
  • 4 When the sauce boils, add mustard and Vegeta, season with salt and pepper to taste and cook on low heat until the sauce thickens.